Elliott is 4 months old! He smiles plenty and sleeps at least 11 hours every night. He is a real trooper when it comes to hiking. He's definitely a joy to be around and makes our life more meaningful and memorable as each day passes. Elliott's average day consists of a morning hike or sitting outside while mom reads the paper or a book, 2 hours at the YMCA so mom can work out (usually he naps), run an errand or two, afternoon social time with cousin Clyde and Aunt Laura, some massage and reading time (maybe a bath) and then plenty of relaxing time with Dad when he gets home from work. Elliott really likes to smile, stick out his tongue, stand on his feet if you hold him up and be outdoors, if it's not too hot!
Elliott and Clyde
Clyde had his lip surgery on July 19th. He's doing great. He also has a blog now where you can read up on the details of his life. http://www.clydeharry.blogspot.com/